Calling Maxima from Lisp (sbcl)

Dear Mr. Fateman,

I have checked these replies, but I do not agree that translate() and compile()
are what I am looking for.

For me, the whole point is to be able to do something like

(usepackage maxima)
(defun some funcfions)
(let ((some variables) (some environment))
	 (setf (a variable) (result of some function))
	(integrate (some function)
	(do something with the function(s))
 (return answer))

i.e., to seamlessly use functions from Maxima in my lisp code. I do not want to
do this by starting Maxima and typing in my functions and "manually" transfer
these back into lisp, or by essentially writing a lisp script in Maxima. Yes of
course I could do this (just start Maxima and enter to_lisp();) , but I whish to
work from lisp, not Maxima. This is just a preference, of course, but I believe
that others may share my point of view and therefore I should share this code.

Best regards,