
Leo Butler a ?crit :
> Is the documentation incorrect here, or this bug in make_array, or
> between my ears? The other array types work as described.
> Leo
> ----
> (%i5) ? make_array
>   -- Function: make_array (<type>, <dim_1>, ..., <dim_n>)
>       Creates and returns a Lisp array.  <type> may be `any', `flonum',
>       `fixnum', `hashed' or `functional'.  There are n indices, and the
>       i'th index runs from 0 to <dim_i> - 1.
> (%i6) y : make_array('functional,4);
> make_array: not enough arguments for functional array specification.
>   -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
After several tries, this stupid command at least gives an answer 
without error, but I don't know if it has any meaning. It may be a side 
effect of the bug.

(%i1) make_array(functional,7,fixnum,3);
(%o1)        {Array:  #(NIL NIL $FUNCTIONAL NOTEXIST 7 #(0 0 0))}
