Is %i an integer? - Adding more facts to the database

Robert Dodier a ?crit :
> On 6/28/09, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at> wrote:
>> I have added the following facts to the database:
>>    (kind $%i $imaginary)
>>    (kind $%pi $real)
>>    (kind $%gamma $real)
>>    (kind $%phi $real)
> OK by me. But in addition perhaps %pi, %gamma, and %phi
> should be declared irrational. (Or maybe transcendental for
> %pi and %gamma, but I don't remember if featurep and kindp
> handle that correctly.)
I don't think it is a good idea to declare %gamma irrational in maxima 
since it is not proved to be irrational (although everybody suspects it 
even to be transcendental).

Eric Reyssat