Subject: problem with integration of gaussian distribution
From: Robert Riemann
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 16:42:19 +0200
Hi all,
i have problems to get Maxima solve an integral about a
bell-shaped curve with a weighting function phi.
I tried it with the following code:
assume( m > 0, d > 0, h > 0, A > 0)$
phi(p) := A*exp(-(p-p_0)^2/(h/d)^2);
psi(x,t) := integrate(phi(p)*(2*%pi*h)^(-1)*exp(%i/h*(p*x-p^2/(2*m)*t)),p,minf,inf);
The result should be a bell-shaped curve to.
What do i have to do to get a human-friendly solution (not with sin, cos, but exp) of this integral?
Is this possible with maxma/wxmaxima?
btw: psi is a state function, that can be found in quantum-mechanics,physics
Hope someone can help me...
Greets Robert