problem with integration of gaussian distribution

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Riemann, Robert <
robert.riemann at> wrote:

> >> What must I do, to let Maxima sort some summands in powers of p?
> >
> >I'm sorry, I don't understand.
> (any function f(p)) => (...)p^0+(...)p^1+(...)p^2+...
> If I know the term (...) in front of p^0, i could substitute it to reduce
> the
> number of variables (in my case from 6 to 3)
> I hope it is now clear, what I meant.

I'm still not sure I understand, but you might want to look at ? taylor if
you want a truncated series expansion and ? ratsubst if you want to
substitute mathematical expressions (as opposed to strict subtrees, which is
what ? substitute does).
