Maxima hangs while implementing commands

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:30 AM, ????? ??? ???? ????<nflex at> wrote:

> 1) grind(trigsimp(trigexpand(a*k*a*i*cot(1401*(%e)))));
> 2) grind(trigrat(a*k*a*i*cot(%e)^1401));
> Could you please tell me if that's really a bug or it's just a long
> calculation process. I've waited for a minute, but nothing happened
> and my CPU load was 100%.

Well, I tried expression (1) with a smaller number than 1401
and it seems to generate something messy, and the larger the number
the messier it is. So my guess is that Maxima is just trying to
construct a very large expression.


Robert Dodier