Status of Mockmma

Mockmma now works with wxMaxima, and evaluates a growing number of Mathematica commands by translating to Maxima, evaluating with Maxima, and translating back. I think it may be realistic to include some version of this in the August release of Maxima.

To install Mockmma and run under wxMaxima: Checkout trunk/Mockmma from the Mockmma sourceforge project into the directory share\mockmma 
under the Maxima source tree; type  load("mockmma/init2.lisp"); and type :lisp (tl). 
You should see the prompt "In[1] :=".  

The following commands work properly: 2+3, 3^7, Sqrt[4], Integrate[Sin[z]*z,z], IntegerQ[2], PrimeQ[31], 10!,
y=5, y^2, Expand[(1+x)^5], Factor[x^2+2x+1], Exp[1], Sin[1.0], Sqrt[3.0], 2.2+3.1, 

The following return unevaluated:

FactorInteger[24], D[Log[x],x],  Cos[Pi], Plot[x,{x,0,1}],

and the following are not yet implemented:

f[x_]:=x^3,  %^3, %3, 2>1

The command :lisp (tl 'verbose) provides a verbose parsing into Mockmma, translation to Maxima, 
evaluation in Maxima, and translation back to Mockmma.
