Quantum number and energy of electron


My exponent is good enough for approximating the energy so that it gives a
good starting guess for a numerical algorithm.  I fitted the ground state
and the first 69 excited states and got this number for the exponent,
repeatedly and to 10-12 places of accuracy for different values of mu, hbar,
and mass, I doubt that is a coincidence.
I am studying the Variational paper  "Post-Gaussian variational method for
quantum anharmonic oscillator" by Akihiro Ogura.

This is a very curious thing.

I will eventually give up or get lucky.



> On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Dan Hatton <vi5u0-maxima at yahoo.co.uk>wrote:
>> On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Richard Hennessy wrote:
>>  My exponent is somewhat of a curious thing I noticed but it is just
>>> a numerically derived result.
>> There's a perturbation-expansion approach to the same problem in
>> R?camier and Roc?o J?uregui, 1992, Int. J. Quantum
>> Chem. 44(S26):153-160, doi:10.1002/qua.560440814 - you could try
>> fitting a power law to their tabulated results to see if you get the
>> same exponent as in your numerics.
>> --
>> HTH,
>> Dan
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