gonna commit eigenvector patch, was: patch for eigenvector to consider
Subject: gonna commit eigenvector patch, was: patch for eigenvector to consider
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 09:36:29 -0600
On 7/28/09, reyssat <eric.reyssat at math.unicaen.fr> wrote:
> I find a list of triples
> [[val1,mul1,[list of vecs1]],...,[valk,mulk,[list of vecsk]]]
> easier to read (each vector being "near" its eigenvalue), but it may be
> slightly more difficult to use (extracting the list of all eigenvectors is
> quite frequent).
Yes, I considered that, but since it's common to want the list of
eigenvalues and list of eigenvectors separately, I decided against
merging them.
Since I haven't heard any complaints, I ;m going to commit the
eigenvector patch, and I'll update the documentation accordingly.
Robert Dodier