I've got it running nicely on the EEEpc 701, but I'm also doing Debian
unstable at the same time. No problems (assuming you know what you
want and how to do it with Debian). I assume the 1000 would be
simpler, you don't have the 4Gb disk limitation :P).
2009/8/1 Friedrich Hattendorf <friedrich at hattendoerfer.de>:
> Hallo,
> has someone reading this list already installed maxima on a
> asus eeePC 1000 (Linux/xandos)?
> Which repository?
> problems? solutions?
> mit freundlichen Gr??en
> Friedrich Hattendorf
> ---
> Lernen ist wie das Rudern gegen den Strom;
> sobald man aufh?rt, treibt man zur?ck
> Benjamin Britten
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> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at math.utexas.edu
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima
blindglobe at gmail.com
Muttenz, Switzerland.
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can easily roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).
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