rearranging and collecting terms


I suggest you look at the format() package.  When I was a Maxima newbie I 
needed to do quite a few things like this, and still do!


should load, for 

there is documentation in this directory.  Time spent getting to 
know this package will be repaid.

This won't solve your problem: pulling out an integer factor without 
factoring cos(d1)^3-cos(d2)^3.  I don't know how to do this.


On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, Mario Maio wrote:

> I hope this is not too much a trivial question, I'm a newbie to Maxima. I'd
> like to rearrange expressions like this
> (3*cos(d1)^3-3*cos(d2)^3)*x
> or this
> (3*a*b1-3*a*b2)*x
> into a simpler form with collected terms;
> 3*(cos(d1)^3-cos(d2)^3)*x
> 3*a*(b1-b2)*x
> Is there a solution that works in BOTH cases ?
> Factor  or  facsum  work for the 2nd expression but lead to unwanted
> trigonometric expansion in the 1st expression.
> It seemed to me a very simple rearrangment to do but i could not find a
> solution after a long search.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Mario M.
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