Maxima can't do this integral???

David Ronis wrote:
> I've got a trivial integral that maxima doesn't seem to be able to do;
> I'm having trouble believing this.  Can someone confirm?
>  integrate(%e^(-kappa*r)*sin(k*r),r,0,inf);
> (kappa>0) I get the integral form when I do this.
> (The answer is k/(k^2+kappa^2))
> David
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maxima 5.18 asks if k is pos, neg, zero,  and if you say pos, it gives 
that answer.

 Mathematica 6.0 gives

If[Re[kappa] > 0 && Abs[Im[k]] < Re[kappa], k/(k^2 + kappa^2),
 Integrate[Sin[k*r]/E^(kappa*r), {r, 0, Infinity},
  Assumptions -> Abs[Im[k]] >= Re[kappa] || Re[kappa] <= 0]]