[sage-devel] elliptic_e(0.5, 0.1) differs from Mathematica 7 by about 0.04%.
Subject: [sage-devel] elliptic_e(0.5, 0.1) differs from Mathematica 7 by about 0.04%.
From: Valery Pipin
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:45:45 +0900
William Stein wrote:
<<sorry, it's too long> >
> > I've no idea how the Sage group would feel about switches lisps. Given
> > they have just recently done that (I forgot what was used before), there
> > might not be too much enthusiasm for it.
> Since you have no idea, perhaps I should clarify: There is no way in hell
> we are switching from ECL to anything else.
> ECL is massively better than CLISP, and is also the *only* other lisp that
> is currently supported and builds 100% from source code. Both CMUCL and
> SBCL are immediately ruled out just because of that reason. This is one of
> the DoD requirements for Sage -- they absolutely will never consider using
> CMUCL or SBCL (I have asked).
Too bad :-). Sbcl builds from the source on the most Unixes at least
> Why do you think cmucl or sbcl would give high performance. Are you
> > suggesting ecl would give lower performance?
It is certainly true. Should I write a paper for sage journal about it?
best wishes
I'm not against sage. I belive it will be as great as TeX system. :-)