I have never seen this error before and I don't know what command is involved. It happens on the 14th iteration of a loop. Does
anyone know what the problem is? Is it a bug?
define(pdf1(x), ((3*b*x^2+3*c)*signum(x+a)+(-3*b*x^2-3*c)*signum(x-a))/(12*a*c+4*a^3*b));
(f:ratsubst(p, x, pdf2), g:ratsubst(x - p, x, pdf1(x)))$
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Error in MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL [or a callee]: MACSYMA-TOP-LEVEL [or a callee] requires less than sixty-five arguments.
Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
I don't know what command in pwdefint is involved. The error message does not help at all.