----- Forwarded message from Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at swansea.ac.uk> -----
X-Original-To: csoliver at cs-svr1.swan.ac.uk
Delivered-To: csoliver at cs-svr1.swan.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 21:21:03 +0100
From: Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at swansea.ac.uk>
To: Barton Willis <willisb at unk.edu>
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Maxima 5.19.1 tagged in CVS
In-Reply-To: <OF8C8E5496.67A0CA7D-ON86257616.00009134-86257616.00009136 at unk.edu>
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I didn't know that there are such tests.
How do you run them? Yet I use "make check", but this
apparently runs only the Maxima testsuite.
On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 07:06:11PM -0500, Barton Willis wrote:
> I tested 5.19.1 + Windows XP. The testsuite runs OK. The share testsuite
> has
> a few problems:
> Errors found in rtest_lsquares.mac, problems: (20 21 22 37 38 39 41 42)
> Error found in rtestprintf.mac, problem: (33)
> Error found rtest_pochhammer.mac, problem: (29)
> Also, rtestprinf tests 29, 38, 39, and 40 pass but are expected to fail (I
> think these
> tests do fail with some Lisps). Finally, I think rtest_pochhammer.mac #29
> should be marked
> as a known error.
> Barton
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