The one_of idea may work much better with a selector or index.
I'll use the name select_one.
could return
x= select_one(g45, 10,20, %pi)
What is g45? It is a new symbolic index object never before used.
say allsols: rhs(%). now allsols is select_one(g45,10,20,b).
sin(allsols) is select_one (g45, sin(10), sin(20), 0)
Now if you want the result of some computation using the first solution,
namely x=10, then do
something like ev(..., g45=1);
There are pretty clear rules for working with select_one expressions.
one argument functions like sin, cos, tan, exp, etc are clear.
select_one(a, ....)+,*,-,/ etc are pretty obvious too.
I'm not sure about using factor, solve, etc.
Also something like 1/select_one(g46,a,b,0) would become
select_one(g46,1/a,1/b, oh_no_I_didnt_mean_to_divide_by_zero).
How much of Maxima would be needed to do a good job on this??
integrate(f(x,y), select_one(g48,x,y)) ?
Barton Willis wrote:
> If one_of(1,2) + 1 automatically simplified to one_of(2,3), it would
> make such problems less likely, I suppose; but I doubt it would eliminate
> them.
> I think my one_of idea was intended for multiple representations of
> equivalent expressions--things like
> (%i14) e : 4* sin(x + y) * cos(x - y);
> (%o14) 4*cos(y-x)*sin(y+x)
> (%i15) one_of(e, trigrat(e), expand(exponentialize(e)));
> (%o15) one_of(4*cos(y-x)*sin(y+x),2*sin(2*y)+2*sin(2*x),-%i*%e^
> (2*%i*y)+%i*%e^(-2*%i*y)-%i*%e^(2*%i*x)+%i*%e^(-2*%i*x))
> Or Bessel / hypergeometric, etc.
> Barton
> -----macrakis at wrote: -----
>> The problem here is with correlated expressions. Consider
>> expr: oneof(1,2)+1
>> Presumably expr^2 can take on the values 4 and 9. But what about
>> expand(expr^2)? Surely that should also take on the values 4 and 9,
>> and not 4, 6, and 9...
>> -s
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