error message

I was thinkiing that repeated convolutions would use up 8192 very quickly  
since the number of args needed doubles each time. That sounds like a weak  
solution. I think I could modify facsum to not need a lot of arguments.

On Aug 23, 2009 12:20pm, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> FYI: 32 bit Clozure CL for Windows allows functions with at most 8192

> arguments.

> Last I checked, under Windows, Clozure CL build a Maxima that passes the

> test suite.

> Make install doesn't build a fully working Maxima.

> Barton

> -----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

> >Or use a different Lisp. I'm guessing the original poster is working

> >on Windows. If so, Clozure CL and ECL are possibilities, maybe others.

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