
Dear Doug and all,

Thanks Doug for the suggestion. I have implemented it- if you click on any formula, then it comes up with a prompt from which you can copy the formula to your clipboard.


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:33 PM dastew at wrote:

Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 17:00:05 +0000        
 From: matthen at        
 To: maxima at        
 Subject: Calc.Matthen.Com        
 Dear all,        
 Just to let you know of a website I have just put online which uses Maxima at the back end:     

 I tried out your  and it worked.      
 I have a suggestion:  Some times I want to put the answer back      
 into the input and try one more step in finding a solution to my real      
 question. With your results I can't copy and past the answer into the input and have it work.      
 The reason is that the out put is not formatted the same as the input.      
 This in itself is OK if you don't want to copy and paste.      
 So here is my suggestion:      
 Put a button on the page that moves the answer into the input line in the proper format.      
 This would make it easy to do:      
 some algebra  until you get the shape or form that you want      
 and then do Intagrate etc.      
 and then plot      
 Doug Stewart