On Aug 24, 2009, at 8:41 PM, Raymond Toy wrote
>> I might have switched the 'forward'/'backward' fft routines by
>> accident..
> Ooh, that would be very bad if no one noticed!
> I will try to take a look at this soon.
> Ray
I would've checked it anyway. I don't think it's a big deal as long
as it matches the version described in documentation. It's a common
trouble with fft, people are surprised when their fft doesn't match
the definition in Numerical Recipes, so it's no big deal, happens
with all fft implementations..
My preference is that normalisation is done on both fft and ifft with
1/sqrt(N) but all variations are common... I would make this
configurable (where normalization is done, perhaps also the sign of
exp() but that's just a naming thing)... Not hard to do...