Limit applyed to a very long expression

> Why not just stick to tlimit?  Tlimit uses taylor, which uses rational
> representation (CRE), a good form for manipulating polynomial-like objects.
> Limit uses general representation, which can be much slower.
> By the way, on my machine (which is not especially fast -- 2 Ghz 3Gb
> Windows GCL Maxima 5.17.1), the tlimit time is only 0.75 sec, so I'm
> surprised it takes 5 sec on your machine.

I was only to do a further improvement, if possible, but I can use tlimit with 
no problem :-)
The fact your execution time is only 0.75 s is a good news. My machine is not 
that fast, it is a notebook with an athlon-xp 2800+ and 512 mb RAM 5 years 
old, and Maxima is compiled with CLISP (which seems to be slower than other 
Lisp  implementations).
Thank you for explaining me something about tlimit.


> By the way, on my machine (which is not especially fast -- 2 Ghz 3Gb
> Windows GCL Maxima 5.17.1), the tlimit time is only 0.75 sec, so I'm
> surprised it takes 5 sec on your machine.
>              -s