
Is this a bug? I think the correct answer depends on the domain:

(%i2) domain;

(%o2) real
(%i3) limit(1/x,x,0);

(%o3) infinity

(%i4) ? limit

  -- Function: limit (<expr>, <x>, <val>, <dir>)
  -- Function: limit (<expr>, <x>, <val>)
  -- Function: limit (<expr>)
      Computes the limit of <expr> as the real variable <x> approaches
      the value <val> from the direction <dir>.  <dir> may have the
      value `plus' for a limit from above, `minus' for a limit from
      below, or may be omitted (implying a two-sided limit is to be

It seems to me that domain=real => und, domain=complex => infinity.


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