Hi all,
I'd like maxima to simplify an expression like this:
sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) * sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / sqrt(2)
to 1. I tried to find some hints on the internet, but all I came up
with seems not to work in my case:
sqrtdenest(%), scanmap(sqrtdenest, %), scanmap(factor, %)
all do not alter the expression in any way.
Is it possible to get this kind of simplification? (Later on I may want
to have it done on similar expressions involving variables, but for now
I'd just be happy to get this basic one done and try with that further.)
Thanks a lot!
Done: Arc-Bar-Cav-Ran-Rog-Sam-Tou-Val-Wiz
To go: Hea-Kni-Mon-Pri