Command completion in maxima, xmaxima or wxmaxima ?
Subject: Command completion in maxima, xmaxima or wxmaxima ?
From: oc-spam65
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 13:38:45 +0200 (CEST)
is maxima/xmaxima/wxmaxima capable of command completion ?
* In maxima, if I type "dif" and [tab], maxima reacts and writes "DIFF " on the command line. This is useful to get the name of the desired command. However, it is written in uppercase and there is a space after it, so I need to rewrite it in lower case and remove the space. Strange.
* In xmaxima, typing [tab]?simply moves the cursor a few spaces to the right. No command completion.
* In wxmaxima, it's the same as for xmaxima.
Could someone tell if there is command completion in these three programs and if there is, how to use it ?
Best regards,
System : Debian testing
Packages : maxima, xmaxima, wxmaxima
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