Maxima 5.19.2 release

On Monday 31 August 2009, Raymond Toy wrote:
> Robert Dodier wrote:
> > On 8/31/09, andre maute <andre.maute at> wrote:
> >> Couldn't someone (a script?) always upload a gzipped diff-file
> >> along the latest maxima-XX.YY.ZZ.tar.gz and it's predecessor?
> >
> > You can already get exactly that information from CVS.
> I can sympathize with Andre.  Sometimes it's a hassle to deal with CVS
> (especially if you, like me, are behind a firewall that won't let you do
> anon CVS access).  So having diff files are convenient.  I used to do
> this with xemacs updates since getting the diffs was usually much
> smaller than grabbing the entire tarball for the new release. (I
> couldn't access xemacs CVS repo through the firewall.  Now the xemacs
> has switched to hg, it's not a problem since hg can tunnel through http.)
> But I also understand this is a burden on someone who could be doing
> something else.

I used the command from Aleksej Saushev which worked for me.

But today there are so many cvs variants,
and as Ray said, it's also about convenience.
I don't want to check each time, what the correct syntax is.
And I don't want to first browse the CVS repository for the correct CVS tags.

Perhaps someone could update the download section of the maxima homepage

and add a small section "Obtaining patches from CVS"
mentioning the command which was given in Aleksej Saushev post as an example.

cvs -z3 -d 
rdiff -r version-5_19_1 -r version-5_19_2 maxima

Just my 2 cents