On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Alejandro Jakubi<jakubi at df.uba.ar> wrote:
> I find that such a listing of the admisible syntaxes would clarify very much
> the manual section for 'ev'.
> In particular, I have not seen an explicit mention that an assignment or
> equation (foo:bar or foo=bar) are equivalent forms for a local/temporary
> binding.
Well, it's there. Just not very clear, sorry about that.
> I.e. the local binding for 'simp' does not seem to be working here the same
> way as in ev(tellsimp (0^0, 1), simp: false).
> Could you clarify on this point?
(%i3) trace(ev);
(%o3) [ev]
(%i4) ev(1+1,simp=false);
1 Enter ev [ev(1 + 1, simp = false)]
1 Exit ev 1 + 1
(%o4) 2
(%i5) ev(1+1,simp=true);
1 Enter ev [ev(1 + 1, simp = true)]
1 Exit ev 2
(%o5) 2
Note that when simp=false, ev indeed returns 1 + 1,
as Stavros explained.
Robert Dodier