documentation of source?

On 9/7/09, dlakelan <dlakelan at> wrote:

> I am actually a fairly knowledgeable common lisp programmer, but the few
> times I have looked at maxima internals, I simply don't know what is
> going on because maxima has its own way of expressing everything.
> I thought i'd seen an introduction like this at one point, but it does
> not appear on the documentation page for maxima.

Well, in the old wiki there were a couple of pages which
had notes about the internal workings of Maxima.
I don't see that stuff at the new wiki.
I have a copy of the old wiki pages -- let me see if I can
dig out the relevant pages and post them at the new wiki.

I think a wiki is an appropriate way to collect various stuff
but as it stands the wiki needs to be cleaned up.
(Certainly I'm as much to blame for that as anyone.)


Robert Dodier