startup file for xmaxima in Windows Vista

Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:08 AM, Sheldon Newhouse<sen1 at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  I normally run xmaxima in a linux environment, but I am teaching with
>> it this term and all students use Windows.
>> I have installed 19.2 and noticed that when I use the 'stringout'
>> command, it attempts to save the wile in 'C:\windows\system32' ---not a
>> good thing.
>> How can I set the default folder to be in my 'Documents' foloder?
> I have this in my maxima-init.mac:
> chdir(dir) := ?xchdir(dir)$
> chdir("/Users/andrej/")$
> The function chdir allows me to later change the working directory.
> Andrej
> .
Thanks for the tip Andrej.  This works fine for the 'stringout' command. 
But the Alt-b for loading batch files still started in 'system32'.

I decided to start xmaxima from the command line using a batch file 
named "xmax.bat" which I put in "C:\Users\sen"

The contents of the "xmax.bat" file are

chdir "C:\Users\sen\Maxima"
"C:\Program Files\Maxima-5.19.2\bin\xmaxima.exe"
chdir "C:\Users\sen

There ought to be a better way.
