antisymmetric tensor

If I define the completely antisymmetric unit tensor in 3d

(%i1) display2d:false$
(%i2) declare (eps3, antisymmetric)$
(%i3) eps3[1,2,3] : 1$

then I get

(%i4) eps3[1,2,3];
(%o4) 1
(%i5) eps3[3,1,2];
(%o5) eps3[1,2,3]
(%i6) ev (%);
(%o6) 1
(%i7) a*eps3[1,2,3] + b*eps3[3,1,2] + c*eps3[2,3,1];
(%o7) eps3[1,2,3]*c+eps3[1,2,3]*b+a
(%i8) ev(%);
(%o8) c+b+a

What can I add to my definition lines which will avoid having to
always use  "  ev (stuff)  " to get the numerical values ?

Thanks in advance

Ted Woollett