Rational function parametric representations

Barton Willis a ?crit :
> Thanks for the book reference. For 2*x^4-3*x^2*y+y^4-2*y^3+y^2 = 0, Maple 
> paramtrized 
> the curve with radicals, not a rational expression. But I know little 
> about Maple.
Of course, any quartic may be "piecewise parametrized" using radicals : 
take t=y as parameter, and solve for x (by radicals). Here the equation 
is biquadratic, so x is just the square root of the solution of a 
quadratic equation :
(%i93) solve(2*x^4-3*x^2*y+y^4-2*y^3+y^2,x);
(%o93) [x = -sqrt(y)*sqrt(sqrt(-8*y^2+16*y+1)+3)/2,x = 
sqrt(y)*sqrt(sqrt(-8*y^2+16*y+1)+3)/2,x = 
        x = sqrt(3*y-y*sqrt(-8*y^2+16*y+1))/2]

For a general cubic or quartic, the solution by radicals may involve 
some complex numbers in the formula, even if the final value is real 
(Casus Irreductibilis) ; this may be a trouble when plotting the curve.
