Subject: wxMaxima 0.7.4/Maxima 5.18.1 on Gentoo Linux
From: Greg Dermer
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 23:27:11 -0700
I'm having trouble with the above configuration with symptoms similar to
those reported by others. Unfortunately, I either was unable to find
any reported solutions, or possibly was too dense to recognize them.
1) An earlier version of wxMaxima / Maxima worked fine. I
unfortunately neglected to note what that version was.
2) After installation of 0.7.4/5.18.1, the first invocation of wxMaxima
worked fine. All subsequent invocations result in the maxima engine
dying with the report (at the bottom of the wxMaxima window) "Maxima
process terminated." Attempting restart of the maxima engine from
within wxMaxima results in the same message.
3) I've experimented with editing the "maxima=" line in .wxMaxima to
point to the maxima executable, as well as deleting the file altogether
with no apparent effect.
4) Although I thought at first that xmaxima was also failing, the last
few attempts worked fine.
5) Command line maxima works fine.
6) localhost appears in /etc/hosts
7) No firewalls are in use.
8) The lisp compiler is SBCL
-- Greg