More Maxima functions in $specint

I am working on $specint and try to improve the code further. At last I
have implemented support for the Maxima functions hankel_1 and hankel_2.

This way I would like to implement other known names of Maxima functions
too. These are:

%f         --> hypergeometric
%e         --> elliptic_ec
%kelliptic --> elliptic_kc
%p[a,b,c]  --> jacobi_p
%p[a,b]    --> assoc_legendre_p
%p[a]      --> legendre_p
%q[a,b]    --> assoc_legendre_q
%q[a]      --> legendre_q

Furthermore, we have names of Maxima functions for the following symbols
in $specint. But for these functions the algorithm of $specint does not
work. So it seems not to be worth to add these functions:

%c --> gegenbauer_c
%t --> chebyshev_t
%t --> chebyshev_u

For the following symbols in $specint we do not have a Maxima function
at this time. Nevertheless I would like to suggest to introduce the
following new names:

hstruve[] --> struve_h
lstruve[] --> struve_l

%d        --> parabolic_cylinder_d
%m        --> whittaker_m
%w        --> whittaker_w

A first implementation of the Struve functions is easily done. I would
like to suggest to add some code to the file bessel.lisp.

There are further symbols in $specint which I think are not as

%s        --> litte Lommel S function
$slommel  --> Lommel S funtion
$kbateman --> Batemann K function

All other symbols in $specint are already replaced by the names of
Maxima functions. At the end I think we should cut out the support for
the old symbols in $specint.

Dieter Kaiser