That is embarrassing, especially since integer(%i) => false.
Even more embarrassing that if you answer No, Maxima asks you whether xy is
positive or negative (where xy is some internal variable!).
I believe the second is a known bug....
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Karl-Dieter Crisman <kcrisman at>wrote:
> Dear list,
> integrate(exp(-x^%i),x,0,1);
> yields a question about whether %i is an integer. Is there more than
> one interpretation of %i in Maxima?
> (I don't have a problem with the answer at the end after 'yes' or 'no'
> - limits of incomplete gamma functions makes sense.)
> Thank you for your help. Sorry for the deluge of questions - I have
> quite a backlog I've accumulated, and certainly some are going to be
> very naive, I'm afraid.
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