Oops - where I wrote
It should say
applyb1(expr, bayes)
that was just a typo in my mail - the result is the same - it fails to apply
Bayes' rule to the subexpression.
2009/10/1 Nathaniel Virgo <nathanielvirgo at gmail.com>
> Hi Robert
> Thanks for your helpful comments. It's odd that using apply1 gives an
> infinite loop for you but just fails for me.
> However, applyb1 does work for me in this case (I thought I'd already tried
> it, but apparently not). It doesn't work in all cases though.
> Specifically, if I try to apply Bayes' rule twice (which should give the
> original expression) it doesn't match:
> (%i21) expr: bayes(a | b and c);
> (%o21) ((a | c)*(b | a and c))/b | c
> (%i23) applyb1(expr);
> (%o23) ((a | c)*(b | a and c))/b | c
> Surely "(b | a and c)" is a subexpression of "((a | c)*(b | a and c))/b |
> c", so why doesn't applyb1 find it and apply the rule?
> Best regards,
> Nathaniel
> 2009/10/1 Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com>
> On 10/1/09, Nathaniel Virgo <nathanielvirgo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > (%i6) apply1( (a|b and c)*x, bayes);
>> > (%o6) (a | b and c)*x
>> applyb1 (bottom-up) works for me here instead of apply1 (top-down).
>> That's helpful, but not very satisfying; I can see why one
>> works and the other doesn't, but it's far from obvious.
>> best
>> Robert Dodier