Pattern matching - new user question

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Nathaniel Virgo
<nathanielvirgo at> wrote:

> If I type exactly what you wrote it works --- but if I remove the '*x' then
> it doesn't:
> (%i6) applyb1( (a|b and c), bayes);
> (%o6) ((a | c)*(b | a and c))/b | c
> (%i7) applyb1 (%, bayes);
> (%o7) ((a | c)*(b | a and c))/b | c

OK, in this case it appears (to judge by what's shown by
:lisp (trace $bayes) and then redoing the example) that applyb1
applies the rule twice, with zero net effect.

As before, it seems desirable to cause exactly one application of
the rule. I'll have to think about that.


Robert Dodier