posible bug - clashing variable names in integrals

Maybe somewhat less broken:

 (%i1) safe_op(e) := block([inflag :true], if not mapatom(e) then op(e)
 else false)$

 (%i2) myfreeof(x,e) := block([partswitch : true],
   freeof(x,e) or (safe_op(e) = 'iint and third(e) # 'end and fourth(e) #
   'end and freeof(x,third(e)) and freeof(x,fourth(e))))$

 (%i3) iint(e,x,a,b) := block([listarith : true],
   if safe_op(e) = "*" then (
     e : map(lambda([s], if myfreeof(x,s) then  [s,1] else [1,s]), e),
     first(e) * funmake('iint,[second(e),x,a,b]))
   else funmake('iint,[e,x,a,b]))$

 (%i4) int_outative(e) := block([partswitch : true],
    e : subst(nounify(integrate) = lambda([[s]], if is(length(s) = 4) then
    apply('iint,s) else funmake('integrate,s)), e),
    subst('iint = 'integrate,e))$


 (%i5) int_outative(integrate(integrate(f(x),x,p,q)*g(x),x,c,d));
 (%o5) integrate(f(x),x,p,q)*integrate(g(x),x,c,d)


 (%i6) int_outative(integrate(integrate(f(x),x,p,x)*g(x),x,c,d));
 (%o6) integrate(g(x)*integrate(f(x),x,p,x),x,c,d)

 (%i7) op(%);
 (%o7) integrate
