Could someone explain to me this behaviour? It seems to me that single
quote is not inhibiting evaluation. Leo.
(%i2) 'sin(1.0);
(%o2) .8414709848078965
(%i3) '(sin(1.0));
(%o3) .8414709848078965
(%i4) ? '
-- Operator: '
The single quote operator `'' prevents evaluation.
Applied to a symbol, the single quote prevents evaluation of the
Applied to a function call, the single quote prevents evaluation
of the function call, although the arguments of the function are
still evaluated (if evaluation is not otherwise prevented). The
result is the noun form of the function call.
Applied to a parenthesized expression, the single quote prevents
evaluation of all symbols and function calls in the expression.
E.g., `'(f(x))' means do not evaluate the expression `f(x)'.
`'f(x)' (with the single quote applied to `f' instead of `f(x)')
means return the noun form of `f' applied to `[x]'.
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