2009/10/6 Leo Butler <l.butler at ed.ac.uk>:
> On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, deltaquattro at gmail.com wrote:
> < Hi all,
> <
> < I returned to using Maxima recently and I'm quickly becoming addicted
> < to it. I would like to tell Maxima that p: abx^2+(d-f)/(k^2+l)x+...is
> < a polynomial in x. I think that would make the study of the polynomial
> < (monotonicity, roots locus, etc.) easier. Which is the command to do
> < that? Also, to study the roots of p, is it better to define p as a
> < function or as an expression?
> < Is there a command to take a polynomial to "normal" form, I mean
> <
> < ax^2+bx+c -> x^2+b'x+c'
> <
> < Ok, just divide p by a, you'll say, but I was just curious if there's
> < a way :) And for factorized form? I mean
> there are two ways:
> f : a*x^2 + ... ;
> ratcoef(f,x,hipow(f));
> coeff(f,x^hipow(f));
> fetches a.
> Leo
Thanks. And for the factorization? Is there a command?
> --
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