Subject: Further code to improve the assume database
From: Barton Willis
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 12:35:29 -0500
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
The new result isn't wrong, but the old answer is better, isn't it? Since
0 < x < 1 and 0 < y < 1, we have -y - x + 4 < 4. So min(4, - y - x + 4)
should simplify to -y - x + 4. There is a source code comment in
Fourier elimination code: (What is the story with dosimp?)
;; Without the post-fourier-elim-simp, we get
;; (%i2) eqs : [0 < x, x<1, 0 < y, y <1, x+y+z < 4, z > 0]$
;; (%i3) fourier_elim(eqs,[z,y,x]);
;; (%o3) [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<min(1,4-x),0<x,x<1]
;; Since 0 < x < 1, Maxima should be able to deduce that min(1,4-x) = 1. So
;; should simplify to [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<1,0<x,x<1].
;; To do this simplification, it's necessary to set dosimp to true--why, I
;; know (alternatively, use ($expand e 0 0)).
(defun post-fourier-elim-simp (pos)
(let ((save-context $context) (new-context (gensym)))
;; (a) Declare a new context (b) put every member of the CL list
;; pos into the fact database (c) simplify each member of pos
;; (d) kill the new context and restore the old context.
($newcontext new-context)
(mapcar #'(lambda (s) (mfuncall '$assume s)) pos)
(let ((dosimp t))
(setq pos (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (simplifya s nil)) pos))
(delete-if #'(lambda (s) (equal t (standardize-inequality s))) pos)))
(if ($member new-context $contexts) ($killcontext new-context))
(setq $context save-context))))
(%i8) load(fourier_elim)$
(%i9) eqs : [0 < x, x < 1, 0 < y, y < 1, 0 < z, x+y+z < 4];
(%o9) [0<x,x<1,0<y,y<1,0<z,z+y+x<4]
(%i10) fourier_elim(eqs,[y,x,z]);
(%o10) [0<y,y<min(1,-z-x+4),0<x,x<min(1,4-z),0<z,z<4]
(%i11) fourier_elim(%,[z,y,x]);
(%o11) [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<1,0<x,x<1]
(%i12) fourier_elim(eqs,[z,y,x]);
(%o12) [0<z,z<-y-x+4,0<y,y<1,0<x,x<1]