share testsuite

Today, I checked in some changes to to_poly_solver. Running just
rtest_to_poly_solver shows expected errors in 64, 74, and 80 :)
Running share_testsuite, causes additional failures in tests 57 68 113 122
186 201 227 228 233 234 308 309 :( I suppose this is some environment
variable that kill(all) doesn't clean up. I can "fix" the problem by
placing rtest_to_poly_solver near the top of the file list. It's
tempting. Because I'm stumped, I welcome ideas and wild speculations for a

I have not yet marked 57 68 113 122 185 186 201 227 228 233 234 308
309 as known failures. Don't be alarmed by these test failures--it's
my fault, not yours.
