sign(exp(2009)) --> floating point overflow

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Richard Fateman <fateman at>wrote:

> This problem is somewhere between " not worth fixing" and "too hard to
> solve in general".
> exp(2009) is about 1.5e871, which is too big for a float.

There's no reason sign needs to convert exp(...) to a float to determine
that it's positive, since exp(x) is positive for all real x.  Of course, if
you have sign(exp(2009) - tan(%pi/2-10^-870)), it's harder to avoid

...but not impossible.  taylor(exp(a)-tan(%pi/2-10^-(k*a),a,inf,0) lets you
approximate the crossover pretty closely as k=1/log(10) for large a.  And
you can calculate the error term as well.  But no point in going into
details here.
