A lisp oriented question - interning symbols for use in Maxima

Jaime Villate wrote:
> On Ter, 2009-10-20 at 01:02 +0200, ?iga Lenar?i? wrote:
>> CFFI works great in Clozure CL, at least on Mac OS X. I don't know  
>> about Maxima - but I think some people on this list are running  
>> Maxima with Clozure CL.
> Yes, I use it everyday in Ubuntu (64bit) in my laptop and in the Linux
> Terminal Server that my students access during my classes.
> Maxima 5.19post http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.3-RC1-r11719M  (LinuxX8664)
> It works faster than SBCL and it is very reliable.
> I've only noticed two problems: command-line options do not work; for
> instance, "maxima --list-avail" doesn't show anything, and CCL cannot be
> installed in older 32bit CPUs.
I should probably install ccl....

Does it produce any warnings?  Is openmcl still on the *features* list? 
Is :ccl on the *features* list?
