A lisp oriented question - interning symbols for use in Maxima

Aleksej Saushev wrote:
> Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at stericsson.com> writes:
>> Stavros Macrakis wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Robert Dodier
>>> <robert.dodier at gmail.com <mailto:robert.dodier at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     ...In order to move FFI stuff into maxima/src we would want to make
>>>     sure it works for all supported Lisps. That includes GCL at present,
>>>     but it seems plausible that it might not in the not-so-distant
>>>     future....
>>> Have we identified a free, Maxima-compatible Lisp that is portable
>>> across Windows/Linux/Mac and has reasonable performance?  It would be
>>> really nice if it supported CFFI, obviously....
>>> I recall that ECL was proposed at one point, but if I remember
>>> correctly, it had a fatal flaw in its handling of stack overflow,
>>> which its developers didn't seem to intend to fix.  Has that changed?
>> Would CCL (Clozure Common Lisp) work?  The website says it works on
>> windows/linux/mac.
> The world isn't "windows/linux/mac", ECL is far more portable.
I don't recall anyone claiming the world was windows/linux/mac, but that
certainly covers a large fraction of the users and developers of
maxima.  And no one is proposing that maxima will be supported on just
one Lisp.  So if you like running maxima with ecl or abcl or clisp or
whatever, feel free to continue to do so.
