Jaime Villate wrote:
>> 3. In linux ( don't know about WinXP) there is a problem with the
>> command 'orbits' if the package 'dynamics' is already loaded:
>> Maxima version: 5.19.2
>> lisp-implementation-type: CMU Common Lisp
>> lisp-implementation-version: 19d Fedora release 5.fc8 (19D)
>> (%i5) load(dynamics);
>> (%o5) "/usr/local/share/maxima/5.19.2/share/dynamics/dynamics.mac"
>> (%i6) orbits(r*x*(1-x),.2,100,200,[r,3,4,.1]);
>> Graph passed to plot2d...
>> Improper name or value in functional position:
>> errexp1
>> #0:
>> orbits(f=r*(1-x)*x,y0=0.2,n1=100,n2=200,domain=[r,3,4,0.1],options=[])(dynamics.mac
>> line 367)
> I cannot reproduce that error in Ubuntu with either Clisp or Clozure
> Common Lisp (I do not have CMUCL at hand). It might be a CMUCL issue; in
> any case, you no longer need to use load("dynamics")
Could be a bug in CMUCL 19d. I tried this with a post 20a build and it
produces a graph.
> For the record, here are the times that command takes in the same
> machine (Intel Quad CPU Q6600) using three different Lisp flavors:
> Clisp: 31.4400 seconds, using 608.044 MB.
> SBCL: 11.3200 seconds, using 535.312 MB.
> Opencml: 7.3800 seconds (no info about memory usage).
On a 2 GHz mac mini, cmucl takes 9.9 sec (11.09 elapsed) using 460 MB.