
Dear Mario,

Thx for the answer.
>> Drawing field lines and contour lines is very important to me.
>> If I could help I will do my best . (:-)
> Adam,
> Not sure if this is what you need, but I have transformed the complex
> argument into two reals (real and imaginary parts).
> GiveSLogPhi(rz, iz,c,e_r,i_max):=
> block(
>    [z:rz+%i*iz, logphi, fac:1/2, i:0],
>     while i<i_max and cabs(z)<e_r do
>       (z:z*z+c,
>        fac:fac/2,
>        i:i+1 ),
>     if i=iMax
>         then logphi:0
>         else logphi:fac*log(cabs(z)),
>     float(logphi) )$
> load(draw) $
> draw3d(
>   explicit(fun, r,-1,1,i,-1,1),
>   contour = map);

I have changed "fun" for "GiveSLogPhi"  and tried :

   explicit(GiveSLogPhi, r,-1,1,i,-1,1),
   contour = map);

Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
  Error in LAMBDA [or a callee]: LAMBDA [or a callee] requires more than 
two arguments.
Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.


I will work on changing from
GiveSLogPhi(rz, iz,c,e_r,i_max)
GiveSLogPhi(x, y)
Maybe it will help.

> See also 
> ? contour
> ? contour_levels

Yes, thats it in 3D.
Like in gnuplot :

I would like to extend it to gradient lines ( perpendicular to contour 

