Maxima 5.20 release branch planned for Dec 1

To all those involved with release of the next branch,
     I trust that somebody can write accurate descriptions of the
meaning and use of b, d, e and s, and their majuscule counterparts, in a 
number such 3.0e-5 and incorporate these into the help file with their
corresponding entries in the help index, for the next release.  To 
somebody who has used computers for 20 years and who programmes in Lisp
or other obscure languages, this description seems like a trivial matter
-- "everybody knows that already" -- but to some student that lacks that
experience and who is trying, under encouragement of teachers, to learn
how to operate Maxima successfully such information is valuable; its
lack causes confusion and disillusion with the producers of software
with deficient documentation.

On Sun, 1 Nov 2009, Robert Dodier wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm planning to make a branch for the Maxima 5.20 release on Dec 1,
> with a stable release a few weeks after that.
> So if you developers want to get something into the next release,
> now is the time to do it.
> best
> Robert Dodier
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