How to set file_search_*

Dear Leo and list,

Thank you, that was very helpful; I was able to fix my problem!

> ?set\-pathnames();
>  it's defined in src/init-cl.lisp. Leo

As a followup, I noticed something while looking at set-pathnames();
all variables sort of bootstrap when it is called, with the exception
of *maxima-lang-subdir*, which only is called when Maxima is actually
run (as opposed to used as a library), via set-locale-subdir().

This means that when set-pathnames() is called (as a library call), it
bombs because it expects *maxima-lang-subdir* to be NIL or some
pathname, but instead the variable is unbound.

Is there a way for Lisp to catch the unbound case as an exception and
at that point do

(setq *maxima-lang-subdir* nil)

for this situation?  Unfortunately I don't know the syntax of how Lisp
handles exceptions - maybe "unless"?

I have made this SF bug #2892710, at