Maybe something like my function "squash" does what you want?
(%i16) squash(e,s) := block([p : ratnumer(e), q : ratdenom(e), lc],
q : ratexpand(q,s),
lc : ratcoef(q,s,hipow(q,s)), /* leading coefficient */
ratexpand(p / lc) / ratexpand(q / lc))$
(%i17) (a * s^2 + s + 1)/(b * s^3 + s +1)$
(%i18) squash(%,s);
(%o18) ((a*s^2)/b+s/b+1/b)/(s^3+s/b+1/b)
maxima-bounces at wrote on 11/10/2009 06:41:18 PM:
> [image removed]
> [Maxima] Newbie Question
> Jim scott
> to:
> maxima
> 11/11/2009 12:43 PM
> Sent by:
> maxima-bounces at
> I am an electrical engineer newly trying out Maxima to manipulate
> control system and filter equations. Part of the manipulation is to
> form the equation into an "engineer readable" format. The following
> has me stumped (b subscript n is written b_n):
> Given an equation of the form
> (b_n*s^n + b_(n-1)*s^(n-1) + .... b_1*s + b_0) / (a_n*s^n + a_(n-1)
> *s^(n-1) + .... a_1*s + a_0),
> how would I go about dividing the numerator and denominator by a_n
> (such that the s^n term in the denominator is always multiplied by 1)?
> Neither a_n nor the value of n is known beforehand.
> I have spent several hours trying to find Maxima operators to
> perform the needed division (or supportive operations) and am not
> finding what I need.
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