maxima lisp emacs

Hi Jaime ,

Thx for answer,

I have made function for creating xpm file:

;============== beginning of code  ============
; definition of function
(defun write_To_XPM_File (file)
	; initial values
	( let
		(iWidth 4) ; the pixmap width
		(iHeight 4) ; the pixmap height,
		(NoColors 2) ; the number of colors
		(cpp 1)	  ;  the number of characters per pixel
		(file "m.xpm")
	with-open-file (
		(	st file
			:direction :output
			:if-exists :overwrite
			:if-does-not-exist :create
        ; write XPM file header to the file
		(format st "/* XPM */~%static char *a[] = {~%")
		(format st "\"~a ~a ~a ~a\",~%" iWidth iHeight NoColors cpp)
		; write color table  to file
		(format st "* c #000000~%") ;
		(format st ". c #ffffff~%") ;
		; write strings containing line of pixel's colors
		(format st ".**.~%")
		(format st ".**.~%")
		(format st ".**.~%")
		(format st ".**.~%")
		; write end of the file
	    (format st "};~%")   ;  ~%   is a    new line
	 )  ; with-open-file
      (format t "file was created " file) ; t is a standard output
) ; defun write_To_XPM_File

;================ end of code ====================

it looks good to me (:-) but :

:OVERWRITE :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST :CREATE) should be a lambda expression

I can't find error.
Can you find it ?

