On Sun, 15 Nov 2009, Julie Sandberg wrote:
< Leo,
< Thank you for pointing that out to me. Actually, I am using r as the radius and u as a scaling factor. But I should be using r twice like that. After renaming the first one r1, this problem is fixed.
< However, I am still having a similar problem later on in the code. When I define the velocity and acceleration vectors, both add extra brackets. Again, using mat_unblocker does not work to remove a level of brackets, and I still cannot use 'solve' for F=ma.
< /*Body CG Motion in Inertial n-Frame*/
< rc_n:Cbn.rc_b;
< vc_n:diff(rc_n,t)+Wco_n~rc_n;
< ac_n:diff(vc_n,t)+Wco_n~vc_n;
< Thank you for your time!
< ~Julie~
Julie, Please reply to the list.
You've been tripped up a few times by Maxima's treatment of
matrices vs. lists. Unfortunately, vectors are implemented as nx1 matrices,
so to access elements, you must address them as x[i,1].
I should also point out that it appears that you confuse the equation of
two objects ("=") versus the solution of equations. See fsoln below.
Here are the changes I would suggest: (+ implies change to)
(%i58) system("diff -b -u /tmp/omat.mac /tmp/mat.mac");
--- /tmp/omat.mac 2009-11-16 07:55:23.000000000 +0000
+++ /tmp/mat.mac 2009-11-16 07:55:04.000000000 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
u3 : transpose([0,0,1]);
+"~"(x,y):= block([x:x,y:y],
+ if listp(x) then x : genmatrix(lambda([i,j],x[i]),3,1),
+ if listp(y) then y : genmatrix(lambda([i,j],y[i]),3,1),
/*Alpha is the angle of rotation of the bar along x, and Beta is the
* angle of rotation of the cylinder*/
@@ -48,12 +51,12 @@
/*Use Clyindrical Coordinates*/
/*Calculate Mass*/
@@ -157,27 +160,26 @@
/*Necessary Conditions*/
/*Solve for Forces*/
+fsoln : map("=",[fax,fay,faz,fbx,fby,fbz],nc);
/*Solve Moment Equations*/
/*Equations of Motion*/
I think the last line should be EOM : diff(omega,t) = msoln[1][3];
< ----- Original Message -----
< From: "Leo Butler" <l.butler at ed.ac.uk>
< To: "Julie Sandberg" <jsandberg at neo.tamu.edu>
< Cc: maxima at math.utexas.edu
< Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:34:15 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
< Subject: Re: [Maxima] mat_unblocker not working
< On Fri, 13 Nov 2009, Julie Sandberg wrote:
< < Hi,
< <
< < I am working on a dynamaics assigment using Maxima. I need to ultimately solve for forces and moments, but throughout my script Maxima creates nested lists with excessive [ and ]'s where I should have simple matrices. For instance, in the attached code, I calculate a MOI integrand using
< <
< < /*MOI Integrand*/
< < integ:(r.r)*ident(3)-transpose(r).r;
< <
< < Then, I would like to convert these values to cylindrical coordinates:
< <
< < /*Use Clyindrical Coordinates*/
< < integ2:ev(integ,x=u*r*sin(theta),y=h,z=u*r*cos(theta)),expand,ratsimp,trigsimp;
< Julie, if I understand your problem correctly, then [u,h,theta] are
< cylindrical coordinates, while you define r:[x,y,z] a few lines above in
< the attached .mac file. It seems to me that you should not have 'r' in
< the above substitutions.
< integ2:ev(integ,x=u*sin(theta),y=h,z=u*cos(theta)),expand,ratsimp,trigsimp;
< I suspect this is the root of your problem below.
< Leo
< <
< < Because integ is a nested list, ev cannot evaluate at these values. Is there any way to "un-nest" integ? I have this same problem through my code.
< <
< < Thank you for your time.
< <
< < --
< < Julie Sandberg
< < M.S. Aerospace Engineering
< < Dynamics and Control
< < Texas A&M University
< <
< --
< The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
< Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
< --
< Julie Sandberg
< M.S. Aerospace Engineering
< Dynamics and Control
< Texas A&M University
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.