Rational Numbers, was Re: [Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/src gamma.lisp, 1.44, 1.45.

Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

   > I think using Lisp rational numbers should be done. 
   OK, I agree.  (There is one argument in favor of keeping ((rat ) n d) 
   that I know of.  And that is we could
   in principle, have rational number-like object that are an extension of 
   common lisp rationals.  These are,
   in particular, ((rat) 1 0)   for  "infinity"   and ((rat) 0 0)  for 
   "undefined".  It turns out that these extended rational
   numbers have some nice properties and combine with the regular numbers 
   neatly.  But not entirely neatly.)
One issue is that CL ratios unconditionally do automatic gcd
simplification in two ways:

 cl-user(19): (/ 10 4)
 5/2	      	 ; a different, mathematically equal ratio
 cl-user(19): (/ 10 5)
 2	      	 ; an object of type integer, not type ratio

These are almost always what one wants, but does Maxima always behave
similarly in these two cases?  If not, is there any circumstance where
automatic simplification would not be wanted?